Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cultural Night!

Just the day before cultural night, we were locked out of our rooms.
After watching Despicable Me at Cafe 119, it was close to 2am.
I tried my key and it doesn't fit. And, I was right. It was Issac's key.
He left his key on my table while coming over to have his milk tea. And, where's my key?
Its on Shehui's table because she came back first after dance rehearsal and I gave Gwen my key for her to enter to room.

Stranded outside our room, I tried to use a card to open our door, so did Dr Teoh, Issac and Gracia. But, to no avail. Its not working. Because Shehui's table is near the window, an idea struck me. To go outside and reach my hand through the window. LIGHTBULB. But... the main door was locked. We couldn't get out and can't break it down because there's an alarm to it. So, since its about 2am... There's no way we can call Mrs Tang and disturb her from her sleep. The guys offered their beds for us to sleep in while they sleep on the floor. I felt really guilty and was stoning before falling asleep on Issac's bed. So, 6 people in the bunk. Me, Gracia, Shehui, Issac, Clarence, Justin. Issac assured me that I'm not troubling them and will get pissed if I still refuse to sleep. Having said that, I fall asleep after 5 minutes later.

So, at 9am in the morning... Mrs Tang came to open our room door for us. Thankyou! :)
Issac went back to bed as he didn't sleep well the night before and woke up countless of time. I believe Justin and BoKang too. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Their selfless self have struck me hard and I feel really touched for them doing such a thing for us!
A big thankyou to all of you guys who suffered because of my absent mindedness.
Sorry to Gracia and Shehui who suffered because of me as well. I'm so sorry! :'(


Cultural night is awesome. The atmosphere was so high and everyone was screaming practically throughout the entire night. PHARMily did our dance and I want to congratulate them for the awesome performance they have brought up. Their determination in mastering the dance no matter how much it takes is really amazing. Practices after practices. Good job guys! Everyone did well! :D

From the cultural night, I've learnt that Chinese people are more open-minded than Singaporeans.
There's this girl who went up to the stage for a singing competition, before starting, she explained that this song is dedicated to a guy and the song is "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson. Believe it or not? The guy actually went up to kiss her on the lips halfway through her song. The local students cheered, and we, Singaporeans were utterly shocked from that act. If this happen in Singapore, the couple will probably hit the headline news in "The New Paper" or "The Straits Time".

However that, we all had fun and took many pictures when the night ends. :)
Thankyou to all local students like Chen Ming and Christina who have been there for us throughout the trip whenever we faced difficulties and problems at any point. Thankyou! :D We love you and won't forget you guys!

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